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Do you have a savings goal in mind?
Whether you’re setting aside an amount for a vacation next year — planning a major purchase — or maintaining a rainy-day fund or financial cushion — our CDs could be just right for your needs. Rosedale Federal CDs have terms that range from 6 months to 60 months. All our CDs are FDIC-insured up to the applicable limits, so you’ll have peace of mind while your money grows. Check current interest rates online.
Check out our Financial Education Center to learn more about saving for your future.
Everyday CD |
Pick-Your-Term CD |
Bump-Up CD |
This is a smart and easy way to save money and earn interest. The minimum deposit is just $500 and you can choose from terms ranging from 6 months to 60 months. | Do you have a specific timetable linked to your savings goal? If you know when you would like to have the money available — for the down payment on a house, a new car, home appliance upgrades, or other purpose — you can match a Rosedale Pick-Your-Term CD to that timetable, with a minimum deposit of $10,000. Choose from our 13-17 month or 19-23 month terms. |
This CD is a great option for longer-term goals, with a minimum deposit of $10,000. We offer 24, 36, 48, and 60 month terms with a one-time bump-up rate. How does it work? You choose a term and get the rate that’s available on the day you open your CD. If our interest rates rise during the term of your CD, you can choose to “bump up” one time and enjoy that higher rate until your CD matures. |
Everyday CD Features
Pick-Your-Term CD Features
Bump-Up CD Features
If any of the deposit is withdrawn from this account prior to the maturity date, a penalty will be imposed as follows:
Term: 6 month CD to 12 month CD / 90 days interest
Term: Greater than 12 months / 180 days interest