Happy senior couple hugging outside in Spring

Personal Banking

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What makes Rosedale Federal unique?

Rosedale Federal has deep roots in the Baltimore area. At the turn of the 20th century, a group of area businessmen had the idea to establish an association that gave neighbors a safe place to deposit and save money as well as borrow to buy land and homes. It was all about neighbors helping neighbors.

Owned by our depositors and not by investors, Rosedale Federal makes decisions that are right for customers, the community, and employees. In doing so we deliver the kind of exceptional customer experience that sets us apart. We know you want a bank with real customer service.  A bank where you know the players.  A bank that knows that customers have different financial needs and goals.  We're made in your community and we’ve stayed in your community. And we're ready to help you.

Discover why customers are choosing Rosedale Federal to be their bank of choice.

Happy young woman using credit card
Young many working at a desk
Father holding his little girl
Credit Card

Young woman depositing a check with her mobile phone
Digital Banking
Young family preparing breakfast together
African american man writing notes.
Ready to switch?  Select here to see what steps to take to switch your account today.